Welcome!Iowa Pet Breeders Association (IaPBA) is Dedicated to the advancement of professional companion animal breeders through Education and Collaboration. |
Iowa Pet Breeders Association Mentor Program
IaPBA offers to Iowa breeders a mentorship program and will assist people that are struggling or feeling overwhelmed.
We can give you the knowledge of proper canine care or help in rehoming dogs that are in less than ideal situations.
contact: iapba.president@gmail.com or a Board Member for assistance
All dogs deserve to live in safe environments where their needs are met.
Becoming a member has never been easier!
Renewal- When you log on, your name will be highlighted in blue, (upper right hand corner) CLICK, it will take you to your information page. You will need to click edit to make changes. Your personal information will all be listed there for your eyes only: phone, email, breeds you raise and if you want to be listed in the directory and on website etc. You are able to pay your membership.
NEW Member- Click the Join us button.
Check out the new usda regulations at the above link
We will be voting for: President, Corresponding Secretary, and Publicity Director! If you would like to run for any of these positions - Please contact Jesse at iapba.president@gmail.com
Up Coming Conference: March 13-15 2025 (Thursday to Saturday)